CRA Charitable Registration Number: 119019891RR0001
(905) 563-5822  |  Mailing Address: PO Box 171, Beamsville, ON  L0R 1B0
Beamsville Location: 4309 Central Ave, Beamsville ON | Vineland Location: 3831 Victoria Ave, Vineland ON

Catch the Ace Lincoln

Thank you to our community

for purchasing tickets and supporting

Catch the Ace Lincoln! 

Total Prizes Awarded - $14,355.00

Total Donation Cheques to the Designated Charities - $7469.60

 Catch the Ace Lincoln supported CCWN & the following charities:
Lincoln Lions Club WLMHF  |  Gillian's Place McNally House Hospice  

From left to right: Kevin Antonides, WLMHF;  Amanda Black, McNally House Hospice; Amanda Di Zio, Gillian's Place;
Elizabeth Klassen, CCWN Board President;  Margaret Y. our Jackpot Winner;
Lion Holly Cavanaugh, Lion Glen Corfield, and Lion Chief Gord Gerrie of the Lincoln Lions.

Lottery Licence #RAF1315188  |  ConnexOntario: 1-888-230-3505

Catch the Ace Lincoln supports CCWN & the following charities:
Lincoln Lions Club WLMHF  |  Gillian's Place McNally House Hospice  

*Info last updated on October 27, 2023


View past weekly draws on:

Catch the Ace Lincoln

  • 20% of the current week's ticket sales will go to the WINNER whose ticket is pulled.
  • 30% goes into a progressive jackpot!
  • 50% will go to the charities after expenses are paid.
    (CCWN-50%, Lions 25%, WLMHF-15%, Gillian's Place-5%, McNally House Hospice-5%)




Marg Y. who 


Tickets were sold IN-PERSON only at
The Fleming Centre
5020 Serena Drive
Beamsville, ON L3J 0T2

Draw dates and times were every Thursday at 9pm on FACEBOOK LIVE, until the ACE was caught!

Tickets were Sold from: 5:00pm - 8:50pm

Ticket Prices were: 1 for $10 or 3 for $20 (CASH ONLY) 


Week #15 Results - Sept 7, 2023

Number of Tickets Sold:   322   |   Total $ales:   $2,180.00   |   Envelope #:   24   |   Card Pulled  ACE of SPADES!!!! 

Weekly & JACKPOT Winner Marg Y.   |   Ticket Number:   0004066 |   Weekly Prize:   $436.00   |   Jackpot:   $654.00

Cards with a number have not yet been pulled.

*No person domiciled in the same residence as any person involved in the operation of the lottery in an Official Capacity, whether they be a family member, tenant, boarder or otherwise will be allowed to be a winner of any of the prizes whatsoever and this rule will be posted along with all other rules to be posted.

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Contact Community Care of West Niagara today!
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