CRA Charitable Registration Number: 119019891RR0001
(905) 563-5822  |  Mailing Address: PO Box 171, Beamsville, ON  L0R 1B0
Beamsville Location: 4309 Central Ave, Beamsville ON | Vineland Location: 3831 Victoria Ave, Vineland ON


Displaying posts in Year Round

Ontario Energy Support Program (OESP)

Posted in Adults, Energy Programs, Year Round

CCWN assists residents of lower income homes (not solely clients) apply for a reduction on their electricity bill.

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Dental Assistance

Posted in Adults, Year Round

CCWN facilitates access to dental care for adults with low-income by providing interest free loans for dental treatment.

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Housing Assistance

Posted in Adults, Year Round

We provide support in the completion of Niagara Regional Housing applications, and clients participate in housing selection (location and unit).

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Birthday Program

Posted in Children, Year Round

The Birthday Program allows you to provide your children with a special gift on their birthday.

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Food Program

Posted in Adults, Food, Hunger, Year Round

Families or individuals who are registered with CCWN are welcome to access our Food Bank on a monthly basis.

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Niagara Emergency Energy Fund (NEEF)

Posted in Adults, Energy Programs, Year Round

Emergency Energy Assistance is available for qualifying West Niagara Households that are facing an emergency like maintaining utility service.

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Identification Clinic

Posted in Adults, Financial/Legal Services, Year Round

Without personal identification, people can not access essential services such as health care, income supports, housing and employment.

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Niagara Community Legal Clinic

Posted in Adults, Financial/Legal Services, Legal, Year Round

Niagara North Community Legal Assistance offers monthly clinics to assist you with your legal questions.

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Canada Learning Bond

Posted in Children, Education, Savings, Year Round

Are you interested in FREE Money for your kids?

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